Staying In Touch- Our Massage Message To You!

“The way our movement is organized is a projection of the way our brain is organized, and the way we move organizes our brain.”

-Michael Joyce

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Massage consult

Speak with your massage therapist about your flexibility. This way they can witness the range of motion (ROM) in each of your movements. Perhaps you are limited turning your head to the right, or your left shoulder can stretch backwards much further than your right. Demonstrating these movements will target the over and under used muscles. Your therapist will make a list of these motions and practice a more thorough massage. Working with your body will create its natural balance. I encourage gym work and yoga.

Topic: Pain in the neck!

The origins of headaches have been discussed for centuries and we seem to keep discovering methods of maintaining our life’s balance through them.

There are several types of headaches and most of them are caused by tension in the neck, shoulders, and chest. The more detrimental head pains need to be discussed with your physician, but I have great news for those who struggle with the ever-so-popular sinus pain and tension headaches! Your massage therapist will work with you to streamline a maintenance plan for relief within the massage and tips for you at home. Personal practices of my own include foot soaks and face steams with peppermint oil, hot towels rolled and placed under the neck, and a sack of cold peas across over the back of my head.

Discussing the types of pain you have with your therapist will help to pinpoint the muscles being over used through the daily activities, perhaps you work at a desk with a chair that is too low or the screen is not directly in front of you, or you drive much of the time leaving your shoulders held outstretched in front, or perhaps you have children that love to be picked up and have lots of your affection. All of these cases, especially bound together, are the perfect recipe for headaches. After doing so much every day looking forward to your monthly or bi-weekly massage will keep your head up and your spirits high!

– Zoe Manning LMT




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